Online Reputation Matters: Building a Positive Image in Property Management

Anne Sadovsky

Anne Sadovsky

Anne Sadovsky has been in the apartment industry five decades and is a former V P of Marketing and Education for Lincoln Property Company. Her credentials include NAAEI Advanced Facilitator, CAM, and CAPS. She is a contributing writer for many publications, had earned a Texas Real Estate license and certified Speaking credentials from the...
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75 Mins
Anne Sadovsky

Proactive Strategies for Building Trust and Retaining Happy Residents

Most renters are computer savvy and know where/how to complain/voice their opinion on social media.  Sadly, they are not as quick to praise a job well done.  They are more inclined to share their opinion when they are unhappy. The way the staff responds will create goodwill or create a negative vibe which will be seen by hundreds of people. Customer Service and Retention is as, if not more, important as the original sale.

 In Property Management as in other businesses, a negative response can increase dissatisfied residents/customers. Also, nasty responses are seen by many who are seeking an apartment, not just your current renters. The opinion and reputation of the community are greatly shaped by the way we respond to negative reviews of the staff, the service, and the property.

Learn to choose your words and your attitude.  A professional response and assurance that the customer is important to you and the company shows others that you are mature, responsible and interested in problem-solving. Learn to be a peacemaker; polished and professional

Webinar Agenda

At renewal time, residents who like and are aided by a professional team are most likely to stay.  Statistics indicate that people who are impressed by the management staff are willing to invite others to rent.

Webinar Highlights

  • Frequently check social media for comments about your property and staff
  • Ask happy residents to post
  • When confronted in person, practice being calm and kind
  • Do not be defensive
  • Do not ‘correct’ the person; say “I hear you, I understand”
  • Be a professional peacemaker
  • Review the cost of losing a resident

Who Should Attend

  • Property Managers
  • Regional Managers
  • Owners
  • Marketing Team

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