This webinar is geared to informing participants about important terms and conditions to know when drafting a contract for your organization. This is presented from a pier perspective based on years of experience drafting contracts and not a legal review presentation by an Attorney. Understanding the terms of a contract is especially important when problems arise with a contractor or with organizational priorities. The object of the webinar is to make you a better advocate for your organization when contracting with a vendor. Sample language will be reviewed that may assist you in strengthening the next contract you are required to draft.
Gain an understanding of the documents and section types necessary to draft a procurement contract. Learn terms that may impact your contract and your employer. Get a head start on what to look out for in a common vendor agreement. Discover what terms to include to strengthen the position of your company or agency. Gain an understanding of what terms may be considered deal breakers vs. a business decision. Receive information on the importance of terms to be used to prevent being held hostage by an underperforming vendor under contract. Use clauses to prevent getting locked into a bad contract. Learn about tools to control cost escalations.
Learn terms that may impact your contract and your employer. Get a head start on what to look out for in a common vendor agreement. Discover what terms to include to strengthen the position of your company or agency. Gain an understanding of what terms may be considered deal breakers vs. a business decision. Receive information on the importance of terms to be used to prevent being held hostage by an underperforming vendor under contract