What HUD Paid Shoppers and Testers Look for that can get your Property Sued

Anne Sadovsky

Anne Sadovsky

Anne Sadovsky has been in the apartment industry five decades and is a former V P of Marketing and Education for Lincoln Property Company. Her credentials include NAAEI Advanced Facilitator, CAM, and CAPS. She is a contributing writer for many publications, had earned a Texas Real Estate license and certified Speaking credentials from the...
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75 Mins
Anne Sadovsky

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently awarded over $47 million for conducting investigations, testing to identify discrimination in the rental and sales markets, and filing fair housing complaints. The grants will support the efforts of 120 national and local fair housing organizations working to address violations of the Fair Housing Act and helping to end discrimination in housing.

The grant funding will allow the grantees to provide fair housing enforcement by conducting investigations, testing to identify discrimination in the rental and sales markets, and filing fair housing complaints with HUD. In addition, grantees will carry out education and outreach activities to inform the public, housing providers, and local governments about their rights and responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act. “The fair housing group's HUD funds are a critical piece of combatting housing discrimination,” said Jeanine Worden, HUD’s Acting Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. “The grants will enable 120 fair housing groups to combat unfair evictions and other housing practices that violate the Fair Housing Act.” Join this webinar by our expert speaker Anne Sadovsky and learn, what the testers are looking for and how to avoid getting your property sued.

Webinar Objectives

  • Learn what the testers are looking for, what mistakes we make those trigger testers.
  • Update your training regarding non-discriminatory practices

Webinar Highlights

  • How testers pose as real apartment seekers
  • Phone calls and live visits
  • Drive-by testers
  • What to do when you suspect you are being shopped
  • The difference in a company hired shoppers and those from HUD financed offices
  • Solutions: know the protected classes, keep your property in good repair, treat all people equally and fairly
  • Provide continuing education, know the laws and rulings

Who Should Attend

  • Entire site staff
  • Regional managers
  • Small owners
  • Onsite team members

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