Wealth Taxes for the Ultra-Rich – The discussion and outlook

Kenneth Barden

Kenneth Barden

Kenneth Barden is an experienced attorney with over 23 years of Compliance experience in the international development and financial industry. Ken has developed regulations and processes for several countries in the development of their AML/CFT regimes. Specifically, he helped set up the financial intelligence units within Indonesia,...
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60 Mins
Kenneth Barden

Recent news reports indicating the many of the US’s richest individuals pay little or no income tax has generated discussions about the inequities of the US tax system.  As the gap between the ultra-rich and mainstream society widens, there is political pressure to narrow the economic gap and to generate federal revenue to avoid growing deficits.
This webinar will examine the current debate on whether a wealth tax or some sort of equivalent should be enacted in the US. The webinar will start with a historical perspective.  Experiences with a wealth tax in other jurisdictions will be looked at and discussed.  The pros and cons of enacting a wealth tax will be discussed, as well as an examination of the constitutional and legal challenges inherent is such an effort.
The webinar will also look at options, such as a Global Minimum Corporate Tax Rate as proposed by the OECD and G7.

Webinar Agenda

  • Introduction and historical context
  • Why is a Wealth Tax being discussed?
  • What is a wealth tax and how does it differ from other types of taxes, such as income taxes
  • What would constitute a Wealth Tax and who would be affected by it
  • How would a Wealth Tax be assessed
  • What legal and constitutional issues are at stake in the effort to enact a Wealth Tax
  • What are the implications of a Wealth Tax on income inequality and on the economy at large

Webinar Highlights

  • Why is a “Wealth Tax” being proposed?
  • What would a “wealth tax” look like and options
  • Examples of wealth taxes used in other jurisdictions
  • Constitutional and legal issues in enacting a wealth tax
  • Economic consequences of a wealth tax
  • Who would be subject to a Wealth Tax
  • Pros and Cons of a Wealth Tax

Who Should Attend

  • Financial service advisors
  • Tax and wealth advisors
  • Compliance managers
To access this webinar, kindly reach out to our customer support team at support@complianceducator.com.