Replacing Benefits Impacted by Covid 19

Rob J. Thurston

Rob J. Thurston

Mr. Thurston is the President of HRCG. In addition to his official duties, he serves as a consultant to numerous corporations, insurance companies, and third party administrators. His consulting expertise is in the area of human resources, employee benefits and marketing. He is a national expert in the design and implementation of computer...
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60 Mins
Rob J. Thurston

The passage of the Families First and Cares Acts has caused massive changes to IRS Form 941 that affect the final three quarters in 2020! 16 new lines now appear on this form along with changes to two others! Are you ready to meet these changes and handle them correctly?

Here are just some of the new items you must now know and understand:

  • What has changed in Line 11?
  • Where do you enter your total non-refundable credits?
  • Where do you enter the deferred amount of the employer share of social security tax?
  • Where do you enter total deposits, deferrals, and refundable credits?
  • What is entered on Line 22?

Webinar Objectives

COVID-19 has changed the Benefits offered and wanted by employees. Issues with telework, online communications, open enrollment issues, and Benefits being considered are impacting all employers. Learn actual, step by step strategies to evaluate and offer new Benefits. Actual training and educational videos will be shared with downloadable links. Survey data showing what the impact of COVID 19 will be shared with attendees. This Webinar is geared to key decision-makers about benefits and their HR/Benefits Staff who will need to implement change.

Webinar Agenda

  • Introduction and experience of Rob J Thurston and his 39 years at IBM, Mercer and HRCG
  • What is the impact of COVID 19?
  • What Benefits were offered and communicated in the past
  • What Benefits are considered most important and valuable right now? Survey data will be presented and shared
  • What is the impact of Telework, online communications and training today?
  • What will change with communicating and educating employees?
  • Survey Results of voluntary benefits impacted by COVID 19
  • A Step by Step approach to evaluating which new Benefits to Offer
  • Downloadable Videos and links concerning COVID 19 and employee motivation
  • New Benefits and Predictions
  • Next Steps, online and written Resources. and Summary

Webinar Highlights

  • Who can you trust when evaluating Benefits in today’s Environment
  • Step By Step Analysis Tools to do the evaluation
  • Where to find up to date Surveys 
  • Communication Tools to use with employees remotely
  • How Open Enrollment will change in both 2020-2021
  • Downloadable Video and links on educating employees due to COVID 19
  • Where to find article, resources, and how to find Better Benefits
  • Which new Benefits are most important to both employers and employees
  • How to market and present to the C Suite your finding on new Benefits
  • The Value of Advice from a HR/Benefits Hall of Fame consultant/professional with 39 years experience

Who Should Attend

  • CFO 
  • CHRO
  • HR Managers
  • Benefits Managers
  • Consultants
  • Brokers and Third Party Administrators
To access this webinar, kindly reach out to our customer support team at

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