Stop the Inbox Avalanche: Tips to Stem the Tide of Email into your Inbox

Melissa Esquibel

Melissa Esquibel

With more than 30 years in business application technology, Melissa Esquibel, MCT, MOSM (Microsoft Certified Trainer, Microsoft Office Specialist-Master), has a unique ability to make learning programs enjoyable AND valuable. The goal of Melissa’s technology training is to help you make friends with your technology and have a little fun...
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60 Mins
Melissa Esquibel

When the first thing you do in the morning is look at your inbox, and that inbox is loaded down with clutter, you start your day overwhelmed. Finding things becomes a “needle in the haystack” experience that wastes valuable (and often very expensive) time. Those are just two problems with an overloaded inbox. Most information workers have email stored in their inbox in direct violation of their organization’s information security and records retention programs. Whether you are beholden to HIPAA, GDPR, PCI-DSS, SOX or other regulatory requirements, no one wants to be “that person” whose email gets compromised and reveals data that shouldn’t be there.

So, what can be done? Outlook has many tools that can be employed to clean-up a cluttered inbox quickly. Then, there are techniques you can employ to keep the clutter from accumulating while also keeping the most important messages top of mind. Whether you are an Outlook veteran or new to the application, this session will pull back the covers on the full toolbox at your disposal to get your inbox manageable and keep it that way.

Our Microsoft Certified Trainer speaker, Melissa Esquibel will take you through the steps to identify what can be deleted. Then you will learn how to quickly get rid of things that you don’t need, and which may pose a risk to your organization’s information security profile. Finally, you will see what new habits you can adopt that will generate less email to delete and techniques to keep a tidy inbox, find what you need and keep productive.

Webinar Objectives

  • Get to the core reasons why clutter happens and what you can do about it every day
  • Know how to mitigate the risk of keeping too much email
  • Be able to employ effective search, filter, and view techniques to find what you need and get rid of what you don’t
  • Understand how Outlook can be customized to the way you need to work productively and securely.
  • Be able to automate repetitive clean-up and organization tasks

Webinar Agenda

  • Search for likely suspects – How to identify and delete large chunks of email
  • Employing Outlook features to keep important email at your fingertips
  • Automation tips to remove the drudgery of manual clean-up work
  • New ways of working that keep clutter from happening in the first place

Webinar Highlights

  • Finding discardable email with simple searching, sorting and viewing techniques
  • How to effectively use Rules, Quick Steps, Conditional Formatting and Search Folders
  • Employing techniques that keep what’s important top of mind
  • The “out of sight, out of mind” danger of deep folder structures
  • Techniques to create less clutter to clean up
  • What Archive does (and doesn’t do)
  • Using Assign Policy to take the guess work out of when to delete email

Who Should Attend

Administrative Assistant, Data Analyst, Manager, CEO, CFO, CIO, CTO, Human Resources Specialist, Human Resources Analyst, Compliance Officer, Compliance Analyst, Marketing Manager, Marketing Analyst

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