Workplace Conflicts & Toxic Employees - How To Be Discreet Yet Effective?

Joel Garfinkle

Joel Garfinkle

Joel Garfinkle has 20 years’ speaking experience as both a keynote speaker and a corporate trainer ( Joel’s clients include Oracle, Ritz-Carlton Hotels, Toyota, NBA, Warner Bros and Nestlé. He has written 7 books and more than 300+ articles on leadership, workplace issues and career...
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120 Mins
Joel Garfinkle

Improve Your Conflict-Resolution Skills: The Proven Process for Managing Conflict in the Workplace

Learn How Leaders Work with Conflict to Reach Greater Heights of Success

Did you know that managers spend a whopping 25% of their time resolving workplace conflicts? Conflict will inevitably surface when people work together because it’s a natural part of relationships. But the most frequent response to conflict is avoidance. In a survey of four thousand CEOs and other senior leaders, over 90% said they feel uncomfortable dealing with conflict. People push it to the side in the hope that it will go away, but it always finds a way to reappear — either in the same situation or a different one. Actively resolving the conflict when it occurs fosters healthy working relationships – if you are know-how.

Learn the nuts and bolts of workplace conflict resolution in this transformative, career-changing webinar with America’s top coaching expert, Joel Garfinkle. Garfinkle will show you the most important area that leaders should focus on to ensure their continued success — the resolution of workplace conflict. He will share tips, tricks, and techniques for effectively handling conflict in the workplace, and explain the most common pitfalls and mistakes leaders make (and you should avoid) when trying to resolve these situations. He will explain the five conflict management styles to help you know which one you and others instinctively use to respond to conflict; show you how workplace conflict begins; find out what triggered the conflict; how to use his 5-step method to effectively resolve the conflict; and how to improve your approach.

Webinar Agenda

Learn about workplace conflict and why resolution is so important.

  • The definition of conflict and why it’s important.
  • The benefits of effectively handling workplace conflict.
  • Features of poorly handled conflict.

Identify which of the 5 conflict management styles you utilize most.

  • Accommodating: “It would be my pleasure.”
  • Avoiding: “I’ll think about it tomorrow.”
  • Collaborating: “Two heads are better than one!”
  • Competing: “My way or the highway.”
  • Compromising: “Let’s make a deal!”

Learn to identify the roots of conflict.

  • The sources of workplace conflict.
  • Phrases and behaviors show conflict is happening and reveal what triggered it.

Understand the 5-step process that leads to conflict resolution.

  • Preparing for the conversation.
  • Focusing on how the other person perceives the conflict.
  • Inviting the other person to a conversation.
  • Having a conflict resolution conversation.
  • Jointly creating an action plan.

Know the most common mistakes in handling workplace conflict.

  • Watch out for major pitfalls in conflict situations.
  • Learn the greatest blunder a manager can make in conflict resolution.

Webinar Highlights

This session will help you:

  • Avoid common mistakes that leaders make in workplace conflicts.
  • Learn how workplace conflict begins, and how to pinpoint what triggered a conflict.
  • Use the 5-step method to resolving conflicts effectively.
  • Know your conflict resolution style and how to improve it.
  • Help your employees understand the importance of resolving conflict in a timely manner.
  • Deliver productive feedback to help your people improve their performance.
  • Learn what to do if the other person gets defensive in a conflict.

 Register for Individual Sessions Here!

How to Stop Toxic Employees from Side-Tracking Your Organization


Identify and fix the common mistakes of dealing with difficult employees

Join us for this 60-minute webinar and learn how to handle toxic employees and seize the opportunity to prevent them from becoming morale busters in this webinar by human resources expert speaker. During the webinar, you will learn, how to set the standards for positive behavior, and work toward retaining the “challenging employees” who in the long run are worth the effort. Speaker will share dozens of practical tips to address specific problems, including the “I’m in your court” approach for disciplining. You will learn how to recognize toxic behavior before it becomes a crisis and get toxic employees to agree that there is a problem. Other useful techniques you will learn include, how to use positive reinforcement before you tell someone what they did wrong, and how to give critical feedback without bruising egos.
This webinar will help you make good—and sometimes tough—decisions. After attending it, you will walk away with practical tips that you can put to use immediately for addressing specific problems. You will be able to identify and fix the common mistakes you have been making when dealing with difficult employees. Plus, you will be able to correct your approach and build a workplace culture of trust where no one loses face, and the outcome is a “win-win” for everyone.

Webinar Highlights

In this session, you will learn how to:

  • Identify and fix the common mistakes of dealing with difficult employees
  • Implement coping skills when you can no longer stand to be around toxic employees
  • Use the “I’m in your court” approach when disciplining
  • Recognize the toxic behavior before it becomes a crisis and teach your managers how to do the same
  • Get toxic employees to agree that there is a problem
  • Master the goal of giving critical feedback without bruising egos and causing defensiveness
  • Consider “behavior-blindness” and build a workplace culture of trust where no one loses face and the outcome is “win-win”
  • Be a coach, not a cop, and take responsibility for how you are heard
  • Build traction and use positive reinforcement before you tell someone what they did wrong

Register for Individual Sessions Here!

Who Should Attend

Senior Vice Presidents
Vice Presidents
Regional Managers
Managers and Supervisors
Newly Promoted Managers
High-Potential Employees
Executive Directors
Managing Directors
HR Managers
Team Leaders
HR directors
Business owners and senior leaders
HR generalists and interviewers
Directors, managers, and supervisors
Anyone wanting to develop a listening culture

Event Registration
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