Fair Housing for Maintenance Staff

Paul Flogstad

Paul Flogstad

Paul has been involved in the real estate industry for the past 38 years. He has been involved in sales, construction, project management, appraisal, mortgage consulting and brokerage, property management and property management consulting/training. Through his consulting company, Property Management Solutions, he provides training and...
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60 Mins
Paul Flogstad

Keep the Maintenance Staff in Compliance with HUD laws on Fair Housing

Over 60% of fair housing violations reported to HUD come from some sort of maintenance issue. Maintenance staff have the most interaction with residents and thereby have the most potential for fair housing violations. It is imperative that your staff have the latest fair housing information in order to avoid a complaint. Maintenance staff typically have many questions on proper procedures relative to fair housing. During this information-packed webinar, Fair Housing veteran speaker Paul Flogstad will answer the most common concerns and provide answers and tips on how to handle many situations. During the webinar, Paul will also explore common scenarios and what the proper response should be.

This webinar will cover all aspects of fair housing for maintenance personnel as well as numerous tips on proper procedures. The goal of this webinar is to keep maintenance staff in compliance with HUD laws on fair housing.

Webinar Agenda

  • What are the protected classes?
  • What are the costs related to a fair housing violation?
  • What is fair housing?
  • What are reasonable accommodations?
  • What are the best practices for maintenance staff?
  • How often is training needed?
  • What is a reasonable modification?
  • How do I safely interact with residents at my property?
  • Assistive animals.
  • Steering.
  • Sexual harassment.

Who Should Attend

  • Owners
  • Property managers
  • Maintenance staff
  • Housing Authorities
  • Compliance Staff
  • Developers

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