Billing Team Audits - Identify Opportunity for Improvement

Toni Elhoms

Toni Elhoms

Toni Elhoms, CCS, CRC, CPC, AHIMA-Approved ICD10-CM/PCS Trainer is a nationally known speaker and recognized subject matter expert on medical coding, reimbursement, and revenue cycle management. She is the Founder and CEO of Alpha Coding Experts, LLC. She holds multiple credentials with the American Health Information Management Association...
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60 Mins
Toni Elhoms

Dealing denials, low reimbursement, eligibility issues, pre-authorization issues, working old claims- Help is here!

Do you find that your revenue is dropping? Are you worried your denial rates are increasing? Are insurance companies taking longer to pay your claims? If you answered yes to any of these questions then we have the webinar for you!

Join us with expert speaker Toni Elhoms, CCS, CRC, CPC, AHIMA-Approved ICD10-CM/PCS Trainer for this webinar that will go through the billing/revenue cycle and give the TOP TIPS on how to internally audit your accounts. Stephanie has national exposure to commercial, Workman’s Compensation, Medicare, Medicaid and other payers that gives her the widest range of knowledge to share with you the trends that are being seen in 2022!

Denials, low reimbursement, eligibility issues, pre-authorizations, working old claims and more will be covered in depth to walk your team through what to identify in auditing patient accounts and how to prevent these issues in the future.

With 2023 just around the corner you do not want to miss this session. It will give your practice the cutting edge to clean up your accounts receivable outstanding and improve collections moving into the new year.

Webinar Objectives

  • Common denials found in audits-how to prevent issues
  • Incorrect write offs done through payment posting-proper posting and denial work techniques
  • Bundled charges and modifiers to improve revenue
  • Accounts Receivable tips for success
  • Eligibility and recoupments-how to create better workflows and stop auto-recoupments
  • Audit tips and free audit spreadsheet-CREATED AND PROVIDED BY SPEAKER

Webinar Agenda

  • Overview of Accounts Receivable
  • Auditing-what to look for
  • Issues found-how to correct and prevent them (real world examples and detail)
  • Questions

Who Should Attend

  • Medical office staff
  • Administrators
  • Office managers
  • Pre authorization staff
  • Billing staff
  • Billing managers
  • Front desk staff
  • Medical assistants
  • CNA’s

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