2023 Behavioral Health Diagnosis Code Changes

Dorothy Steed

Dorothy Steed

Dorothy Steed (MSLD, CCS, CDIP, COC, CPCO, CPUM, CPUR, CPHM, CPMA, ACSOP, CCS-P, RCC, RMC, CEMC, CPC-I, CFPC, PCS, FCS, CRCR, CICA, CPAR) is an Independent Healthcare Consultant and Educator in Atlanta. She was a Medicare specialist for a large hospital system and a physician audit supervisor for another hospital system, with 44 years of...
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60 Mins
Dorothy Steed

Diagnosis coding for the calendar year 2023 includes specific updates for reporting behavior health conditions. The webinar will cover several guideline updates for reporting mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance abuse. The vascular dementia section contains a number of new and/or revised codes that will include levels of dementia severity and disturbances.
The fiscal year 2023 will contain some new codes related to substance abuse and new codes for prolonged grief disorder and other reactions to stress.
Our expert speaker will review each of these areas of change and expected documentation for correct reporting.

Webinar Objectives

  • Provide clarification about vascular dementia codes including associated disturbances
  • Separate codes for mild, moderate or severe vascular dementia 
  • Dementia in other diseases classified elsewhere with aggressive, combative or violent behavior
  • Other mental disorders due to known physiological conditions
  • Substance abuse disorders in remission
  • New codes for prolonged grief disorder and other reactions to severe stress

Webinar Agenda

  • Updated guideline for mental and behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance abuse
  • Discussion of multiple new and/or revised vascular dementia reporting with associated conditions
  • New code for prolonged grief and other reactions to stress

Webinar Highlights

  • Review of new guideline for reporting behavioral health.
  • Review additions and changes to vascular dementia severity with specific related disorders
  • Review new non-vascular related dementia severity with specific related disorders
  • Review of new substance related disorders
  • Review of new prolonged grief disorder reporting

Who Should Attend

  • Mental Health Professionals
  • Billing and Coding Staff
  • Compliance Staff
  • Risk Management
  • Social Workers
  • Practice Managers
  • Clinical Documentation 
  • Nurses
Event Registration
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