Medicare PFS Final Rule 2024: A Roadmap for Revenue Optimization!

Jill M. Young

Jill M. Young

Jill M Young is the Principal of Young Medical Consulting, LLC. A company founded 18 years ago to meet the education and compliance needs of physicians and their staff Jill has over 40 years of medical experience working in all areas of the medical practice including clinical, billing and rounding with physicians. Her unique style of working...
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Jill M. Young

Beyond the Basics: Uncovering the Hidden Impact of PFS Final Rule on Medicare Practices

The release of the Final Rule for the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule 2024 is a pivotal moment, offering crucial insights for the upcoming year's services. This comprehensive rule outlines the changes that Medicare/CMS intends to make to HCPCS (and CPT) codes, encompassing policies, procedures, and code modifications. Recognizing the appropriate codes for 2024 is vital for offices preparing for the new year, as it involves not only potential additions to the PFS but also alterations in code descriptors aligned with CMS/Medicare-defined policies and procedures. Notably, there are ongoing Public Health (PHE) flexibilities under the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) Expanded Model. Despite the conclusion of PHE in 2023, 2024 will see CMS/Medicare defining "exceptions" or "allowances" to the MDPP program.

In this informative session led by Jill M. Young, CEMA, CPC, CEDC, CIMC, participants will gain valuable tips on efficiently searching and accessing information within the extensive 2,000+ pages of the final rule document. Jill will share her personal insights, uncovering hidden gems of information within the rule to enhance participants' understanding of the upcoming changes.

Webinar Objectives

The Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) final rule is a powerful document that is often overlooked in an office educating itself for the upcoming year. Within this document, Medicare establishes and updates its distinct set of policies and procedures. Failure to identify specific changes affecting Medicare patients can lead to issues such as inaccurate billing and coding, overlooked modifiers, and, ultimately, revenue loss. Attending this session, participants will gain insights into solutions for potential challenges in 2024 concerning Medicare patients. Notably, the discussion will focus on the impactful Visit Complexity Add-On code, a code not universally applicable to all physicians. CMS/Medicare provides precise guidance on the appropriate usage and frequency of this code, making this discussion crucial for all participants.

Webinar Highlights

  • Adoption of the Office and other Evaluation & Management Visit Complexity add on code
  • Behavioral Health Services updates
  • Updates to codes and policies for Telehealth Service
  • New allowances and codes for Caregiver Training Services
  • Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) Risk Assessment
  • Community Health Integration (CHI) and Principal Illness Navigation (PIN) services
  • Continuing Public Health (PHE) flexibilities under the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program (MDPP) Expanded Model

Who Should Attend

Coders, Billers, Office Manager, Office Administrators

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